(Affiliated to Bharat Chamber of Commerce)


Sharing of Knowledge has assumed a major function of any Industry Association. Thus the Association should keep its members updated and abreast with the current affairs and knowledge about all relevant issues pertaining to legal, taxation and technical advancements. In order to be able to carry its functions properly the following resolutions are being adopted:

  • To organise seminars, workshops, training courses, conferences etc. wherein to invite Technologists, Intellectuals and other learned personalities to enlighten on what is happening in the country as well as globally.
  • To provide updated information to members in respect to economic scenario so that they can be benefitted by planning according and capitalise on the opportunities.
  • To organise interaction opportunities by organising frequent meetings with other regional and/or outside Hosiery Association for betterment of mutual interest. This will also provide members to get confidence by getting opportunity to increase their communication as well as representation skills.
  • To create proper counselling facility for providing legal as well as personal counsel so that the members can take benefits from their advices. Senior members can also be persuaded to make themselves available to provide such guidance in case of need.
  • To interact with the FOHMA for creating a proper forum of Knitwear manufactures all over the country, so that national matters can be taken up by them, for the benefits of members.
  • To organise study tours, participation in International exhibitions – whether in India or abroad by the members so that they can acquaint themselves with the latest developments in the Industry. This will enable members to improve their own competitiveness.
  • To establish a library/a reading room so that the members can visit at their leisure and interact with the other members.
  • To create a Website of the Association with continous up-gradation. The Website should provide the latest position of Yarn market, export opportunities available, Buyers/Sellers of machineries including second hand machineries, updated information in respect to any news pertaining to our Industry, the up coming Park and past history.
  • If approved a committee may be formed say“ Market Development Committee” which should act as facilitator for product development, innovation as well as exports.
  • Association being a 2 tier member of UNCTAD – an organ of the General Assembly of The United Nations and engaged in promoting international trade particularly between countries at different levels of development. The association intends to participate more actively for the benefit of its members and the country.