(Affiliated to Bharat Chamber of Commerce)

Membership Benefits

The Association formed “is of Members, by the Members and for the Members”. The Members are the sources of strength of any Association and for them the Association functions. Thus each and every member should think, remember and live with the idea that the Association belongs to him. Attending and participating is the expression of solidarity with the Association. Thus member should participate in the deliberations as and when held, express freely their views. Participation and deliberation not only provides ideas, enrich our knowledge, provides information, increases skill for communication and representation etc. but also urges the Association to work on the deliberations for the betterment of the Industry.

Broad based membership is the strength of an Association. It should be our endeavour to make each and every concern engaged in Knitwear manufacturing or related business in the State of West Bengal to make them our members. This will help in getting more recognition from the Central as well as State Government. This matter needs a discussion and has been left as a future point to ponder upon.

  • Let us take a vow to attend meeting as and when called, participate in the deliberation and freely express views so that the Association takes up their cause for better fulfilment. Let us not confine within one self but express what should further be done for the betterment of the Industry and be a willing member to be a part of achieving such goals.
  • As discussed earlier let us strive to expand our membership by adding at least 50 members per year, so that we have at least 500 members by 2014. This can only be possible by active involvement of members by introducing new members.
  • Beside Holi and Dewali get togethers, the Association intends to organise more social functions/family get togethers to increase fraternity amongst members.
  • It is intended to have a Hosiery Club with in the Park compound and thus providing more opportunity for social gatherings.

Membership Benefits