Established in 1959 our association was registered under Societies Registration Act in the Year 1963 by 7 founding members and today our membership has crossed 300. The main objectives were:
With the change of time and emerging needs to keep up with the momentum, it is felt necessary to rejuvenate the above objectives by broadening their scope and setting up higher goals to achieve. The functions of any Association are many fold. Thus the new areas of activities have been grouped as under:
WBHA is affiliated to the Federation of Chambers & Industry (FICC) It also has representation on ISI Sectional Committee – TDC, Hosiery Panel constituted by the Government of India and Sate Level Modernization committee. In addition to the above it has representation in FICCI’s small Scale Industry Sub Committee, Executive Committees Federation of Hosiery Manufacturers Association (FOHMA) and various Sub Committees of Bharat Chamer of Commerce.
WBHA is also a Tier II Partner of Textile Committee for their project – “Strategies and Preparedness for Trade and Globalization in India Textiles and Clothing sector”. This project is being jointly implemented by the Textiles Committee (Ministry of Textiles, Government of India) in association with the United Nations Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) Department for International Development (DFID), UK and Ministry of Commerce, Government of India.
One of the important qualities of great men is the willingness to change for the better and thereby to obtain greater heights. The World is always changing. This continuous cycle of change has always been a driving force for growth and development of human civilisation. One can look back to the achievements of the past and can also prepare to look ahead. The Golden Jubilee year of our Association has presented such golden occasion which are to be treasured, as most precious moments for any Organisation to look forward, for greater achievements in the years ahead.
A transitional period is indeed a learning step to act better – to serve better. During this great Odyssey many milestones were crossed and our founder members as well as past leaders have made this journey more meaningful. To day we are proud to salute them for their dedication towards the cause of the Industry, service rendered to pave the way, strong enough to face the challenges for the betterment of our Industry.
Any growing Industry has to face new challenges. The opening of the economy, removal of trade barriers, advancement of the technology, global competition –all these created huge challenge for the Association to take care of.
Thus, the whole cycle so created is a change – a change to leave comfort zones and adopting the latest State–of – the – Art-technology to perform better and better to face challenges and achieve success.
The success achieved by our predecessors has shown us many avenues to set our eyes on even higher goals. Success has no end but has many avenues to take up more and more challenges in the future. With this primary mission in mind we were inspired to present this VISION – “Beyond 50 years” for the future growth.
Creation of the high growth path for the Industry is the goal. However, it is the members desires and aspirations which sets the ball rolling. The Association has to grow – to render services to its members – help them create Infrastructure – provide guidance and knowledge – faster public relationship and to make it more useful to members at large.
The Golden Jubilee Year has provided the Association this a unique opportunity to honour our past leaders as well as to provide a visionary goal by selecting more avenues for further growth for our Members along with that of the Association. Textile is a vast Industry and Knits is one of its vital segment. We have tried to place before you a VISION – a journey which the Knit Industry can travel to achieve better growth.