(Affiliated to Bharat Chamber of Commerce)

Social Responsibility

The Association is keen to create awareness amongst its members about the concept of Social Responsibility. A manufacturing unit/ concern has its responsibility to the buyers of its products by supplying quality goods, at reasonable price. It is also its duty to look after well being of the workforce engaged. Above all the Association, in co operation with its members should contribute in the form of Cash or Kind at the time of natural calamities. An earning business concern should contribute for the well being of the under privileged people.

Textile Industry is the highest job provider in the country. Industry wise it is the fastest growing Industry. Its contribution towards Export is also highest. It is destined to provide highest number of employment in the next 5 years. It is projected that Textile Sector alone will require 86.5 million jobs by 2022.

All over the country Textile Industry is facing shortage of labour. This shortage has become more pronounced during recent years as the business is improving. It is felt that the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) is the biggest reason for this shortage, particularly in the States which are dependent on migratory labour. Attractive wages in alternate Industry is also one of the reasons. Thus it is now not a question of increased wages but also motivating workers to remain in the Garment Industry. It can be emphasised to Govt. to find ways how the Industry can participate in NREGA by providing employment and enable skill enhancement of workers.

Hosiery is a labour intensive industry, hence it is very important to pay attention to our social responsibilities towards workforce. Further it depends on backward linkages due to lack of integration of units. Hence being socially responsible is of utmost important. It is felt focus is required on the following:

  • Based on the above assessment it becomes prime duty of each one of us engaged in Hosiery Industry to see that the earning of workers are not only remunerative but should be enough to keep them with us.
  • Liaison with various associations with whom the industry has links to ensure cordial Relationship and act as a catalyst of change and facilitator in negotiation and redressal of problems/complaints. Participation in the skill development of workers by promoting/ developing training institutes to upgrade earnings of workers.
  • Have Socially interactions with our suppliers giving opportunity to our Members to create better business relations. Similarly, social interactions with Regional Associations will also create better fraternity amongst manufacturing members.
  • Undertake welfare and community projects in cluster where manufacturing units are there to create bonding with people and workforce.
  • Technical knowhow to enable raising of capital by small units linked to hosiery manufacturers to enable upgradation to meet the challenging time ahead of us.
  • It is intended to start community projects in clusters/Park where units are setup for labour intensive jobs. Further it is intended to provide better facility to Schools, start Outdoor clinics in the Panchayat area where manufacturing facilities are there.